Thursday, September 22, 2011

Something Smells Fishy

Today students recieved arm bracelets labeled with their cooperative group job. Each child played an active role in the set-up of their science experiment. Children have watched the teachers sneak in and out of the book room...wondering....What's in there? What's that smell? What will our new pet be?
The following pictures show you step by step how kids set up their experiments within small groups. They were so careful and proud to each recieve their own goldfish.

After cooperatively setting up their tanks, students worked alone to write observations about their goldfish and draw a detailed pictures showing body parts. They are creating fantastic science journals they will be so proud to share at confernces with their family.


  1. What fun! I bet your students love to watch their new pets. I used to teach biomes and my students created self-sustaining (as self-sustaining as they could ;) biomes that included fish and bugs and all sorts of plants. They really enjoyed that too.

  2. Observation is an important part of the scientific method. I'm glad you see them so engaged. Unfortunately, many schools in our area have cut out science almost entirely. Keep up the great work!

  3. What a great idea. As a student teacher I am always looking out for new ways to intergrate. I can see that there is opportunity for intergration, mulitiliteracies. Have the students podcast their observations as that would be cool to hear. Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to following this lesson Cheers

  4. Science is so fun! I can't wait to see her science journal during conferences.
