Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Pumpkin Project!

We are going to collaborate online with children in other schools using the following website:

This morning we weighed our pumpkin:

240 ounces (thanks Twyla!)

Then we estimated the number of pumpkins seeds we thought we'd discover inside.  My guess was 56.  Boy was I wrong!  Students all estimated in the 100's and were much closer.

We all took turns feeling the inside of the pumpkin and used great adjectives to describe: spidery, dry, silky.

Then we dug in!

Adjectives began to change the more we dug at the interior of the pumpkin.  
Mushy, gushy, slick, stringy, wet!

Then as teams we split up all the seeds to count.  Students decided the most efficient way to count was by using groups of ten.  They made quick work of this and had totals in less than 3 minutes.  

472 seeds!!

Next week we will share our totals on the website and begin to compare numbers with other students.  We can't wait to collaborate!

Des Moines Register

What a great day for SL Schools!