Is there any day sweeter than the
last day of school?
Backpacks stuffed to bulging with papers, old crayons
& used glue sticks.
Smiles, giggles & tears.
I have loved every minute with this class...
true friends who have celebrated life's ups & downs with each other.
We said the phrase,
"I've got your back,"
to each other on those bad days,
which made the good days that much better!
Many gained tremendous amounts of confidence alongside friends encouraging them, patting them on the back and saying,
"Way to go!"
So I'll say good luck to the future class of 2024,
but NOT goodbye.
Stay close to each other.
Take this winning attitude, infectious love of learning
& friendship on to 3rd grade!
Be proud of yourselves, be sure of your decisions,
stand up for YOU!
Your friends have ALWAYS got your back & so does Ms. Langner!!