Wednesday, June 12, 2013


I am excited to see that a few kids have logged in to KidBlog and have been working on posts.  I do check! Each time you add a post, I get an email alert.  So, start blogging kiddos!!  Your blog will be available until school starts.  It is such a great way to talk about the books you are reading this summer.  Joe and Ben have been added to the blog too and (they have to) are blogging about what they read.  I am reading a REALLY long book about a couple of rowdy boys growing up on the east coast  of the United States about 50 years ago.  I am laughing all the time and I know that I'd be sharing the characters' crazy adventures with you in circle.  I hope that you are all enjoying the (finally) sunny days.  Remember to GET OUTSIDE and read under the trees.  The birds are going crazy in our backyard lately, so it is my favorite spot.  We have blackbirds, sparrows, bluejays, a male and female cardinal and wrens constantly visiting our bird feeders!

Just Dance One Direction

Walking With Dinosaurs 3D trailer WOW!!