I am looking forward to meeting all of my new students!
Welcome conferences
Monday, August 20
Tuesday, August 21
Classes begin
Wednesday, August 22 12:25 dismissal
Thursday, August 23 12:25 dismissal
First full day of school
Friday, August 24
Specials will start on Friday August 24
Day 1 PE-Art
Day 2 Guidance-Challenge
Day 3 Music-PE
Day 4 Library-Computer
*It is your child's responsibility to wear tennis shoes on PE days, or keep a pair in their locker or backpack.
Morning routine at school:
7 am Morning ETA starts
7:50 all non-ETA students may enter the building
Second grade students should go directly to breakfast or the gym, not their lockers. Bathrooms in the commons area may be used. When students are dismissed from the gym at 8:20, they will be escorted as a grade to their lockers and may use the restrooms before heading to their classroom.
Class begins at 8:20....please be on time. It is a walk from the zone to our classroom so make sure you drop your child off no later than 8:15 if they are not eating breakfast.