IPTV Kids Club celebrity Dan Wardell visited SLES today to kick off our Character Counts initiative. Dan is a dynamic storyteller to involve and excite all 850 of our little tornadoes! Visit his website to learn more about Dan.
Thanks for coming to SLES Dan! We hope to see you in Storm Lake again soon!
What a beautiful day to be outdoors. Our P.I.E. friends planned a wonderful tour of the water treatment plant (3 million gallons pumped out each day!) and the waste water plant. We watched how Storm Lake's water is cleaned and ready to flow from our faucets. We also saw how bacteria is used to clean our waste water from our homes. The kids were amazed at how it starts off brown (eeew gross!) and changes to such beautiful clear water ready to hit the lagoon and head down Outlet Creek.
I am hoping to increase our following this week! Consider this a race. The first 4 parents that respond to a blog entry, your child will receive a surprise at school. I will check the blog each morning! Your kids are aware of the "race" I am sure you will be encouraged!! You will need a google account in order to respond and become a follower.
To get started:
1. Go to www.google.com
2.Click on Gmail on the toolbar at the top of the page
Little tornadoes gathered together last Friday, so proud to be greeting the Tornado cheerleaders and varsity football players. Cheers! Dancing! Hollering! Our Tornadoes may not have won their game, but they are winners in our eyes. What kind kids to come and spend time and model great behavior for our little ones. Three of the current cheerleaders are former students of mine. A shout out to YOU girls!! What amazing people you have grown up to be. I am proud of you!
Today students recieved arm bracelets labeled with their cooperative group job. Each child played an active role in the set-up of their science experiment. Children have watched the teachers sneak in and out of the book room...wondering....What's in there? What's that smell? What will our new pet be?
The following pictures show you step by step how kids set up their experiments within small groups. They were so careful and proud to each recieve their own goldfish.
After cooperatively setting up their tanks, students worked alone to write observations about their goldfish and draw a detailed pictures showing body parts. They are creating fantastic science journals they will be so proud to share at confernces with their family.
Math skills worked on today: estimation, counting, grouping, sorting. Do you have extra buttons at home you would be willing to donate to our classroom?
These 3 items will be used in science class this week. What do you think we will be learning about? What will the needs of our project be? What questions do you have after seeing these items? When you touch these items how will they feel?
Small group reading time is 10:45-11:45 daily. We have 2 groups running in our classroom. One group is working on word patterns, writing and fluency, the other is having guided reading.
We have had a great day! Math class found us reviewing the 200 chart. Moving by 1's and 10's was our focus. Students enjoyed art and p.e. for specials. All classes have started small group reading instruction. There are 9 different teachers students are seeing! Lunch was yummy....salads & fried chicken. It was a beautiful afternoon for recess. To end our day Miss Schmidt had an exciting game of Jepardy to review our study on communities. Whew! Your children should be tired tonight!
This week our students had the opportunity to interview a professional that provides services to a community. They used resources available on http://www.scholastic.com/. They learned about goods and services provided to a community by many different jobs.